The committees form the core of our study association. Mercurius is built up of ten different committees, every single one responsible for a different matter, ranging from organizing events, promoting activities, organizing a study trip, bringing in partners or writing for our magazine. If you decide to become a member of one of our committees, you will become an active member within the association. Active members can profit from special get-togethers, day trips, and other activities. Joining a committee is entirely voluntary, but provides you with a way to help us keep the association up and running. It is also a plus to have on your CV and helps with expanding your network.
On this page, you will find overview of all our committees. Do you have any questions or do you want to join our team? Please get in touch with the corresponding coordinator or Send us an email at [email protected].
Medium Magazine is the online platform for Communication Science students at the University of Amsterdam and is part of study association Mercurius. Daily, topical and communication science-related articles are published in Medium Magazine. For the academic year 2020-2021 we’re looking for new members to join our team. Are you interested in gaining experience and putting your ambitions to work? Then we are looking for you!
Medium offers (beginning) journalistic talent a platform for further development. As part of Medium you work together in an enthusiastic team, get to know new people and gain a lot of practical experience during your studies. If you are interested check out our vacancies.
The study committee organizes study related activities. With these activities, students can make sure they make the most out of their study. This committee organizes congresses, movie nights, seminars, pub lectures, a student-teacher activity, a parent information evening, the Communication Tiger award and several workshops.
For questions about this committee, please contact the coordinator: [email protected]
This committee organizes the annual study trip. We will visit international companies and try to respond to the research question posed before departure. Apart from serious business, there’s always time for fun and culture. In recent years, we have visited New York, India, Moscow, Dubai, Istanbul, Tel Aviv and Stockholm with a group of about 20 students.
For questions about this committee, please contact the coordinator: [email protected]
Every year, Mercurius organizes Communication 360, a Career and networking event. Event. This event helps marketing students get in touch with renowned communication companies through workshops and presentations.
For questions about this committee, please contact the coordinator: [email protected].
The social committee organizes everything that has got nothing to do with studying. Think of parties, get-togethers, sports activities and weekend trips. This committee is, among other things, responsible for the monthly drinks, (theme) parties, day trips, weekend trips and sport activities such as the annual Batavierenrace.
For questions about this committee, please contact the coordinator: [email protected].
Mercurius’ promotion committee is responsible for the promotion of our activities. This committee takes care of the publicity of Mercurius activities and supports other committees when it comes to designing promotional materials, the use and distribution of these materials and the development of promotional campaigns. This committee also develops the promotional plan for the coming academic year, in which is discussed at what times certain Mercurius media need to be used for the best result.
For questions about this committee, please contact the coordinator: [email protected].
This committee deals with acquisition in the broadest sense of the word. Think of approaching and landing new advertisers and sponsors, or making sure that our members can profit from large discounts. This committee also stays in contact with business relations per email, telephone or face2face. The sales committee regularly visits companies to discuss possible future collaborations.
For questions about this committee, please contact the coordinator: [email protected].
Voor vragen over deze commissie kun je contact opnemen met de coördinator: [email protected]
Over the course of the academic year, the career committee organizes a broad spectrum of activities helping you give your career a boost! The committee mainly organizes company visits, in-house days and get-togethers at renowned companies in the communication industry. In recent years, we have visited companies such as Google, LINDA, AT5 and Sanoma Media. We also got to take a look behind the scenes of DWDD and All You Need is Love. The committee also organizes career related workshops, conventions, congresses and networking events interesting to all Communication Science students.
For questions about this committee, please contact the coordinator: [email protected].
Voor vragen over deze commissie kun je contact opnemen met de coördinator: [email protected]
The International Committee was founded in 2015 for international students and Dutch students who follow an English Bachelor’s or Master’s track in Communication Science. The international committee organizes especially social related activities in English. Especially for the students from abroad it is a nice opportunity to meet fellow students in a more informal setting.
If you have any questions about the International Committee, please send an email to the coördinator of the committee: [email protected].
Heb je vragen over de internationale commissie? Stuur dan een e-mail naar de coördinator van de commissie: [email protected].
The trip committee organizes day trips to big cities and popular destinations that are relatively close to Amsterdam (Brussels, Cologne, Antwerp etc.), and weekend trips to big European cities. Previous trips included locations such as Copenhagen, Berlin and Prague.
For questions about this committee, please contact the coordinator: [email protected]
Information Folder
Would you like to have more information about our committees and about being an active member? Download our information folder, in which you will find more information about the committees and the solicitation process.