
Mercurius Antwerp Trip!

Are you stressed out about all the exams, studying, and assignments?
Well as far as I know chocolates don’t ask silly questions…
For our day trip in 2022, on June 11, we will be organizing a tour to the World’s largest Belgian chocolate factory in the heart of Antwerp.
The rest of the adventure is up to you.
Go on sightseeing, bike around the city, try the best waffles and beers, visit shopping streets and parks, admire the beautiful buildings, go to museums…
Options are various, just mix and match!
 *Time of Departure in Amsterdam: 9:10 AM – Time of Arrival in Antwerp 11:50 AM
* Time of Departure in Antwerp 22:00 PM – Time of Arrival in Amsterdam 23:59 PM
‼️We only have a limited amount of tickets, so make sure you don’t miss your chance to make good memories ONLY for 20.71€ ‼️
Tickets will be available on the website of Mercurius.
What is not included in the price?
– Public transportation within the city and food.
[button size=”medium” style=”primary” text=”CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS” link=”” target=””]