
Mercurius Weekend | October 28.10 – 30.10 | Brabantbos Lodge Groepsaccomodatie

Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between,

It’s been a loooooong time since Mercurius hosted it’s last Mercurius Introduction Weekend in 2019. Finally, with COVID gradually leaving our lives, it’s time to bring back this tradition ?

The Mercurius Weekend is a Weekend Trip that take students outside of Amsterdam to relax, party, socialise and forget university for a while. It’s conveniently timed too – right after the exams finish! This means it’s a perfect excuse for you to get out, get loose and get to having fun???

To make the most of it, we’re inviting all first year Mercurius members to purchase this ticket to a weekend full of fun at Brabantbos Lodge Groepsaccomodatie from the 28.10 – 30.10. It’s a weekend full of travel, games and more??!

Ensure that after you have purchased your tickets, you enter your details in this google form. Your details will be checked to ensure that you are a member of Mercurius and that you have purchased the ticket. Entering your details in this form is your responsibility – if you do not do this, you cannot come on the trip and you will be refunded for your ticket. Your information is required in order to ensure that you have all up-to-date information regarding the trip.

If, after purchasing the ticket, you realise that you cannot come on the trip, please immediately let us know at [email protected]

Looking forward to having you at the Weekend 🙂

Tickets will only become available on the 22nd of September, 2022.

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